Tips To Improve Teeth Whitening

teeth whitening kit

Whether you are using bleaching strips at home or visiting your dentist to get your teeth re-whitened, whitening toothpaste and mouthwashes are safe for you to use. Most whitening products use chemicals to bleach teeth, a practice that is concerning for many. Many think using baking soda to brush is a safer alternative than bleaching products, but in reality, it is more physically abrasive, while whitening products use chemicals.

After prolonged use, baking soda will start wearing down your enamel, causing your teeth to become darker. Yes, baking soda does get rid of surface stains on your teeth, but it is strong enough that eventually, it will erode or weaken your teeth’ enamel. Science has not proven that rinsing with regular baking soda whitens your teeth, but a handful of studies have shown toothpaste that includes baking soda to have significant whitening effects.

Another study found that brushing twice daily with commercial toothpaste that contains both baking soda and peroxide resulted in 62 percent whiter teeth after 6 weeks. One study found that a toothpaste that contained baking soda was significantly more effective in removing yellow staining on teeth compared with a standard toothpaste without baking soda. Proponents of bleaching say the malic acid found in strawberries will lift the stains off of teeth, and baking soda polishes off stains.

To use this remedy, crush a fresh strawberry, mix it with baking soda, and brush the mixture over your teeth. While Pinterest tip might be positive due to the baking soda, using an acidic substance on the teeth first is not recommended, because this can break down some enamel. Hydrogen Peroxide, a natural bleaching agent, may be used to bleach teeth.

teeth whitening

Some professional dental bleaching treatments and over-the-counter whiteners contain hydrogen peroxide as the active ingredient. Hydrogen peroxide is a gentle bleaching agent and may help bleach stains on teeth. Rather than using pure hydrogen peroxide at home (which is not recommended), dentist Annie Clemons says using a gel or whitening strips will provide safe, effective results.

These types of toothpaste use gentle abrasives that may help remove hard staining on the tooth surfaces. Whitening types of toothpaste have different ingredients which can remove stains. Unlike bleach products, whitening pastes will use polishing ingredients to get rid of stains closer to the surface.

Keep in mind, too, that these toothpastes do not alter your teeth’ color; they simply remove surface-based stains. Baking soda toothpaste work by dislodging surface stains using gentle abrasives such as calcium carbonate or magnesium carbonate, which cleans your teeth.

Using products and methods that are naturally whitened teeth is the way to go. Before starting any type of teeth whitening procedure, you must ensure that your teeth are in good health. While there are chemical treatments designed to bleach and lighten teeth, there are also many ways that you can take the initiative and prevent stains from ever occurring, to begin with. Ask your dentist for recommendations on the best toothpaste for bleaching your teeth at your next appointment.

Using whitening toothpaste daily may be hard on the enamel, but using it once or twice per week may work wonders in keeping teeth shiny and white. By practicing proper brushing techniques, you can protect the enamel of your teeth, and by doing so, you will keep them from getting any more stained. Just keep in mind, that you do not want to brush right after because this damages the enamel on your teeth.

Unlike many other methods of teeth whitening, pulling on coconut oil does not expose your teeth to acids or other ingredients that can break down enamel. Oil pulling is not a replacement for regular brushing or flossing, but some studies have suggested that washing the mouth with specific oils can help bleach teeth. While teeth-whitening kits are easily purchased in most pharmacies, there are plenty of natural remedies to help eliminate stains and protect the enamel on your teeth. The best way to bleach teeth is at home using low-concentration hydrogen peroxide gel, which is recommended by dentists and used in dental-prescribed mouth guards.

DIY bleachers say scrubbing ingredients such as activated charcoal or baking soda-hydrogen peroxide toothpaste will restore the sparkle to your smile. Two categories of dental-provided whitening treatments include repeated at-home use of teeth-enfolding trays or office-based treatments using higher concentrations of bleaching agents, which can also be activated by light. Whitening strips do not use the same high peroxide concentrations as the other methods of bleaching that you will receive at a dentist’s office and can provide a decent (a shade or two lighter) result for people with teeth not overly stained, at a fraction of the cost of an in-office treatment.

It is important to only use whitening toothpaste that has earned the ADAs seal of acceptance for removing stains (it will say so on the packaging) to ensure that the product does not contain additional abrasives that can wear down the enamel on your teeth. Most DIY teeth whitening formulas use a dangerous combination of common kitchen items and home chemical methods to reveal whiter teeth. Some DIY teeth-whitening kits eschew chemicals; however, modern research suggests natural ingredients like strawberries, coconut oil, and charcoal — can remove surface stains, but do not alter the color of teeth.